Cherish Roberts LCPC, LMFT


Cherish is a Licensed Clinical Professional Counselor since 2009 and a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist since 2011.  She received her Masters degree in Psychology from MSU-Billings in 2002.  She worked for Tumbleweed Program in Billings for 13 years, fulfilling a variety of positions.  She began with the after hours on-call program providing counseling services to families in crisis.  Cherish went on to supervise the program for her last 10 years at Tumbleweed.  While at Tumbleweed she also provided counseling to students at Crossroads alternative high school as their crisis counselor.  Upon the school’s closing, Cherish transferred to Skyview high school to help pilot their at-risk youth program and provide counseling services to students, which she did until 2011.  In 2012 Cherish became the Clinical Supervisor for Tumbleweed’s Runaway and Homeless Youth Program.  Cherish opened CrossWay Inc in the Billings Heights in 2009.

In addition to serving as the Executive Director for CrossWay Inc, Cherish also provides the following specialized counseling services to individuals and families:

  • Bi-Polar Disorder
  • Mood Disorders including Major Depression and Anxiety
  • Trauma Focused Cognitive Behavioral therapy for those who have experienced trauma
  • Parent Education and Support groups based in Love & Logic Parenting
  • Individual parent support and family counseling
  • Youth and families struggling with legal issues in regards to custody
  • Parent Alienation
  • High Conflict Divorce/Custody
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